June 8, 2008

Reflections: Parties in a Relationship

On a conventional or better yet technical thought of relationship, the only parties involved is named as "you" and "him". But how about "us"? Would "us" be just left behind because of the fact that there is "you" and there is "him"? Or on the other way around, would "you" and "him" be left behind because of "us"?

Setting up priorities has been one of the most talked about issues in a relationship. It is much easier to juggle three priorities than loosing focus on the fourth. But if you are the fourth of his priorities, would you just end up loosing each other?

Before you entered the relationship, you have been both different individuals. True that you cannot impose change into your partner because you are two 'different' individuals but doesn't it have any considerations for the party called "us"?

Lesson Learned: Do more, dream big, expect less and regret nothing, everything has its own reason

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